2004 the vintage original trilogy collection VOTC - return of the jedi



star wars vintage series collection 2004-2007


2004 vintage series (OTC)


a new hope

luke skywalker

ben (obi-wan) kenobi

princess leia

han solo


the empire strikes back

darth vader

see-threepio (C3-PO)


lando carlrissian


return of the jedi

boba fett


artoo-detoo (R2-D2)





vintage kenner





I had all four of these figures as a kid.  My favorite was R2 and storm-trooper.



















return of the jedi


this collection included four figures using card back from the third star wars movie (episode VI). this third wave also included four figures - boba fett, artoo-detoo, stormtrooper and chewbacca.


boba fett - this figure is one of the best boba fett figures in this scale (and that is saying a lot since there are plenty versions of him). the figure comes with his signature blaster and even a real cloth scarf. 


stormtrooper - another great figure in this line. This is one of the best stormtrooper figure with great articulations and nice details.


artoo-detoo - this is another great version of r2d2 (there aren't many bad one). his dome get chrome treatment as homage to the original figure.  he comes with extension arm tools and removable panel.


chewbacca - he is one of the figure that hasbro has the hardest time recapture in plastic form.  this figure has nice articulations and comes with his crossbow blaster.  his bandolier is molded as separate piece and gives the figure a nice details.


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