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MYCLONE (Micron) Series

AS-05 Transformers #3 (7/2003) / TF AS-03


AS-05 Transformers

MYCLONE (Micron) Series


AS-01 (7/02)
Microman & Cyborg


AS-02 (12/02)
Acroyear & Cyborg


AS-03 (1/03)
Transformers #1


AS-04 (3/03)
Transformers #2


AS-05 / TF AS-03 (7/03) 
Transformers #3


AS-06 / SF AS-03  (8/03)

Shonen Cyborg


AS-???? (10/03)

Tsubaraya #1

Other MYCLONE Series

AniMYCLONE (12/02)

ZenMYCLONE (04/03)
Wind-up Motor MYCLONE

Exclusive MYCLONE




Takara released fifth series MYCLONE in July of 2003.  The fifth series MYCLONE was renumbered as  TF AS-03. The series consisted of characters from the Transformers.  Unlike the Microman & Cyborg MYCLONE, Transformers MYCLONE only came with eight different figures with two of the figures being the chase "secret" figures.

MYCLONE was sold as a trading-card style collectible.  Each figure came inside a sealed individual box with twelve box per display case.  TF AS-03 came in the new hexagon shape box.


MYCLONE AS-05 Checklist

MTF013 Meister (Jazz)

MTF014 Lambor (Sideswipe)

MTF015 Metroplex

MTF016 Ramjet

MTF017 Thrust

MTF018 Dinosaurus


Secret Figures

MTF00? Alert

MTF00? Dirge


MTF0XX Alert (Red Alert) one of the two chase figures.  The other chase figure was Dirge.


MTF013 Meister & MTF014 Sideswipe

MTF015 Metroplex

MYCLONE Transformers - MTF Series


Transformers MYCLONE only consisted of one series - MTF series. The figure came fully painted with molded details to represent the characters from Transformers universe. TF AS-03 (AS-05) included many of the popular characters from Transformers such as Meister (Jazz) Lambor (Sideswipe), Alert (Red Alert), Metroplex, Ramjet, Thrust, Dirge and Dinosaurer. The figures were fully interchangeable with one another and with other MYCLONE figures. Overall, the third series of Transformers MYCLONE had very nice details, however, the paint job was not as well done as the first series.  It appeared that TF AS-03 and SF AS-03 would be the last series for both the Transformers MYCLONE and Cyborg MYCLONE for the time being.


 MTF016 Ramjet & MTF017 Thrust 

MTF018 Dinosaurus