2007 ORDER 66 - 1 of 6 emperor palpatine & commander thire (target exclusive)



30th anniversary collection 2007




















order 66 #1 of 6 - 30th anniversary collection


emperor palpatine and commander thire two-packs is the 1st set in order 66 series.


emperor palpatine

emperor palpatine is a repack of 2005 ROTS figure palpatine #33, this time however he comes with real cloth cloak. hasbro include interchangeable disfigure right hand (but not left) and a pair of force lightning but not the disfigure head. his light saber is molded with his right hand and the rest of the figure is one big stump of plastic. he retains the action feature from the original figure.


commander thire (elite shock trooper)

thire is a repaint of the clone figure from 2005 evolution trooper set. he is done in elite shock trooper color scheme. the figure has good articulations with removable helmet (the helmet is molded using soft vinyl). thire is one of the two named trooper included with order 66 line.





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